Basic Mobile Lizenzen für Unity ab sofort kostenlos

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Beiträge: 202
Registriert: 13.09.2010, 20:44

Basic Mobile Lizenzen für Unity ab sofort kostenlos

Beitrag von rüp »

Quelle: ... e_now_free
Unity Technologies, the company behind the popular Unity game development engine, today announced that it has made its basic mobile tools completely free to independent developers and small studios.

From today, any indie developers can publish their games and apps on iOS and Android via Unity's build menu. Not only that, but additional mobile platforms like BlackBerry and Windows Phone 8 will also be free to publish for once Unity support is released.
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Re: Basic Mobile Lizenzen für Unity ab sofort kostenlos

Beitrag von Tiles »

Das is doch mal nen cooler Move wieder :)

Ochja, die viel interessantere News lauert mal eben in einem Thread zum obigen Thema. ... ... ost1250768
no link, but let's just say that is happening - hard shadows from directional lights are free in 4.2. [citation needed]
Realtime Shadows in Free , yay! *dance*