Außerdem wird XACT auf Windows nicht länger unterstützt.Starting with Windows Developer Preview, the DirectX SDK is included as part of the Windows SDK.
We originally created the DirectX SDK as a high-performance platform for game development on top of Windows. As DirectX technologies matured, they became relevant to a broader range of applications. Today, ubiquity of Direct3D hardware in computers drives even traditional desktop applications to use graphics hardware acceleration. In parallel, DirectX technologies are more integrated with Windows. DirectX is today a fundamental part of Windows.
Because the Windows SDK is the primary developer SDK for Windows, we now ship DirectX as part of the Windows SDK. You can now use the Windows SDK to build great games for Windows.
Meine Meinung dazu:
Ich fand es immer sehr angenehm das DirectX SDK einzeln herunterladen zu können, die Integration in das Windows SDK gefällt mir überhaupt nicht.
Es macht das ganze einfach nur kompliziert.