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Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

[Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Hello everyone, sorry if I am writing in English but I find it easier than spending the next 2~3 hours with google translator :?

I am a self-proclaimed game designer and looking to set up a team to belong with; I don't come just with words but I've managed to make some webcomics (so, I suppose you can say I can draw and write a story background for a videogame). Here is the place where I do collect my projects/ideas: there are 5 on the way, but only two of them are properly presented... here they are.

First one... Dungeon Fall:

Rosame wasn't the kind of adventurer, nor she would have ever though one day she would pick other people's properties without asking them first: but you know, it's said that when famine hits the whole kingdom, most heals from starving are unlawful.
Rosame wasn't never ever confident with her own inner or outer beauty: that's why she'd become a thief; but she also got her own way to make things clean.
In lands ravaged by famine what possible rich being she could pickpocket? Her first though were about the dead ones: descend into the depths of the catacombs it seemed a smart choice for her.

The poor Rosame.

We control Rosame at her descent on what she think is a catacomb; as soon she enter the dungeon the ceiling fall down... but she manage to survive jumping down in a hole. Once she get on the lower room the ground above her crumble under the weight of the ceiling. Another hole in the ground is her new exist... and so go on until she doesn't reach a special hall (end level) where's she safe from the collapse... but still trapped in the dungeon. So, her only way to escape is yet again to descent to the next underground level... which mean she will run again and again for each Hall until she's able to find a definitive way out of the dungeon.
The game is a 2D sidescroller (descending from top to below). It's all about falling down since Rosame can't climb up... nor can stand still too much time on a single platform (the ceilings are falling like dominoes).
Gameplay and mechanics

Core structure
The camera view descent slowly but constantly; if our heroine Rosame is caught between the ceiling (which is the top of the camera view) and the floor she dies instantly; in order to survive she need to fall through hole to hole on the collapsing grounds, and so go on until she don't reach a safe place (a special room coated in stone/metal) which is the end of the current level (see "development plan" for level-world structure).

Rosame's stats
There are three attributes that will take effect during the gameplay: Speed (SPD), Attack (ATK), Defence (DEF) and Health/HitPoints (HP).
HP: there's nothing special about this, HP works the usual way: [enemy inflict damage to Rosame == HP down], [Rosame collect/use potion (see powerup item section) == HP up]
SPD: the speed in which Rosame moves trigger three different modes ([Idle],[Walks],[Run]: see "Controls section" for more detail ) and four speeds: [idle] = stand still, [walks] == move slow OR normal (same animation, different speeds), [run] == move fast. Ultimately [walk] and [run] modes ATK and DEF (the [walk] and [idle] modes act same but one stand still while other actually moves).

Stats alteration when [idle]/[walk]: this is the defensive mode, ATK is lower but DEF is increased. Also attacks with quick stabs.

Stats alteration when [run]: bersek mode, ATK is increased but DEF is nearly non-existent. Since running, attacks take up much more space and so need a good timing or else you'll crash on enemy (vulnerable area)
Player movement are done though smartphone/tablet screen rotation, currently screen inclination control the mode in which Rosame runs, walks or stand still (you're not supposed to stand still that longer). When Rosame reach an hole, she fall down below: no action is required by the player.

If we assume that the player is holding the handheld laying it on the conjunction between finger and wrists (metacarpals) while index finger is holding up (ref) then player may have both thumbs free (try yourself, you'll see it's not that hard keep this position).
With both thumbs free player can still assume extra control: from the simple tap, to swipe and even pinch to zoom effect (thumbs may have limited movement from the border anyway). Since tilting the handheld it's already a bit of challenge we go for the most easy way: player can use it's thumbs on two simple virtual buttons on the bottom

Controls through device tilting
In order to control both walking directions the player uses screen tilting, also we take advantage of the analog feature for improve gameplay experience: the more the screen is tilted, the more Rosame will run fast.
In the given example, let's assume that the tilting value is +100 and 0 (where 0 is "flat device") for tilting left and between -1 ~ -100 is for tilting right.
+100 and +80: Heroine runs left at her max speed possible, animation is "running" and so [run] her walking mode.
+79 and +40: Heroine walks left steady and (moderately) fast, her animation is "walks" and so [walk] her mode.
+39 and +10: heroine walks slowly left, animation is still "walking" and so her mode [walk]
+9 and 0 (also 0 and -9): heroine stand still, animation is "standing" but you can force her to face left direction (for hit in that direction). The same apply for -1 and -9 value... so player can switch which direction to face without need to actually moving.
Negative value have the same attribute, but speculative (right) direction.


And the next one is: Skull Helmet
A young man open his eyes, he's now awake. It's rain, he can feel gentle drops tickles his face as he watch the sky.
He hasn't memories from his past... just a basic conscious of being, and, existence of things around him. He's watching the sky laying inside a open coffin placed in a open grave. "There's still something missing" he thought, he lowered his gaze: his crossed hands on his chest is holding something.

We control our hero (Ethan) in a 3D world but from a fixed view from above. Ethan wander in a closed field surrounded by enemies; his only weapon is a skull which (usually) he wears as helmet. The skull is magic, but it's power works only when it's cast in air so Ethan can't use it to cudgel while holding it. Each time the skull is thrown need to be re-collected from the ground: only one ammo, no inventory. The level is completed when all enemies are killed and so our hero can access to the next one.

Gameplay and mechanics

Ethan stances
Ethan, the character under player control, has different three behaviours depending on how and if he's holding or wearing the skull (see control section to see how player switch between stances). He can wear the skull over his head [wearing.skull], holding in his bare hands [holding.skull] or he doesn't have the skull at all [no.skull]. When player is in [wearing.skull] he can strike with his head: headbutt is effectively to push away enemies, but it's not lethal nor cause further damage. Ethan can run while is [wearing.skull] but not when he's [holding.skull]
When holding the skull in his hands Ethan is ready to throw it (if he's still wearing over his head he need to remove and switch to [holding.skull] first) but in order to do so, he need to walk sideway; during so he moves dangerously slowly. After thrown the Skull, obviously, Ethan is left unarmed [no.skull] and need to recollect as soon possible from the ground.

Throw and regaining the skull
The only way to destroy Ethan enemies it's hitting throwing the skull at them. The skull itself it's magic: when it's not touching anything (animated or not) it's devastation power increase: more time time it stand in air, more powerful it becomes. So, naturally, the more far is the enemy you're aiming for... the more devastating will be the shoot (and thus, hit closer enemy does less damage).
Since the skull is the only ammo Ethan has, every time he need to recollect it from the ground. In order to simplify this process Ethan has Telekinesis power which bound only between Ethan and the Skull.
There's no distance limit for Ethan's telekinesis power, but more far it's the skull... the more slow it's the recollecting speed.
Default key configuration it's the common WASD keys + mouse. With WASD player can move the hero in the eight direction while mouse it's used to place the target cursor
Ethan always run when is [wearing.skull] and has [no.skull] and always sidewalk slowly while [holding.skull].

Mouse control the target cursor used for the direction of the skull throw meanwhile the distance between Ethan and the cursor has no effect. The use of Left Button (LB) depend on which stance Ethan is:
[wearing.skull] - Gives headbutt
[holding.skull] - Throw the skull
[no.skull] - Use telekinesis (see: Throw and regaining the skull)
Middle Mouse button is used to switch between holding or wearing the skull ([wearing.skull] and [holding.skull]). Right mouse button it's currently unused evaluating if which kind of impact would have in the gameplay between have it as "Action Button" or "Jumps" (for jumps can be used [SPACE] anyway)

That's it! Let me know if there's someone interested... my hope is that someday I will able to upload a complete game on GooglePlay/whateveronlineshop and share the gains.
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Blue Cobold
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 13.06.2001, 00:00

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von Blue Cobold »

I'm quite impressed of Dungeon Fall. The concept is easy and not totally unknown, but appealing. You presented your ideas and mockups in a really interesting way, that's something not showing up that much lately .
Although, after having completed my current project, I was planning to start a new one which directs in a totally different way, I am fascinated by the easy and yet very dynamic feeling your gameplay video provides. Have you thought of using exactly these sketch-graphics for a final version of the game? If not, please consider it, as it gives a really great impression and reminds me strongly of the fight "Animator vs. Animation" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixr1Oi-bvkE ) - it might need some changes, but it could really work out to use this very line art style.
Let me know if that is an actual option for you and I might think of delaying my own project in favour of this one.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Blue Cobold hat geschrieben:I'm quite impressed of Dungeon Fall. The concept is easy and not totally unknown, but appealing. You presented your ideas and mockups in a really interesting way, that's something not showing up that much lately .
Although, after having completed my current project, I was planning to start a new one which directs in a totally different way, I am fascinated by the easy and yet very dynamic feeling your gameplay video provides. Have you thought of using exactly these sketch-graphics for a final version of the game? If not, please consider it, as it gives a really great impression and reminds me strongly of the fight "Animator vs. Animation" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixr1Oi-bvkE ) - it might need some changes, but it could really work out to use this very line art style.[/QUOTE}
Thanks for the feedback. VG made with doodles feeling are quite popular, I know (a prime example for stylish background).
But I wish provide some art to the team, also I am experimenting a bit of rotoscoping
Blue Cobold hat geschrieben:Let me know if that is an actual option for you and I might think of delaying my own project in favour of this one.
Thank for the kindly offer, but I don't think my project will released sometime soon anyway :mrgreen: I hope we'll get to try a demo of your game soon ;)
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Blue Cobold
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 13.06.2001, 00:00

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von Blue Cobold »

Oh, excuse me. I thought you were looking for someone who will do the implementation tasks. No? Now I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for or if you just want to portray your current ideas and projects. By "delaying my own" I was talking about the new project I have not yet started, so its basically just deciding to make yours instead which I won't have any issues with.

My recent private game project is currently being finished, the levels will get translated to English and pushed up to IndieDB. A German release will most likely be displayed here and other forums within the next week. So I'm open to any tasks ;)

PS: I'd still strongly recommend using your line-art-style for gameplay graphics and more coloured ones for intros, menus and the like. ;)
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

LOL, sorry, I did totally misread your post: I though you were saying you had already a similar product ready for the release. Yeah, it would be great to pack together to finish this one. I was still working on the other game concepts, but I am ready to pause everything and start making sprites and bitmap may be useful for the game. My animation style is a bit shaky but I guess (hope) it works on the propose.
PS: I'd still strongly recommend using your line-art-style for gameplay graphics and more coloured ones for intros, menus and the like. ;)
I was thinking I should use vectorial graphics for menu and GUI stuff... the problem is I am quite inexperienced to it. So hope bitmaps may work as well (maybe bitmap translated into vectorial alt? I know few software that do it)
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Blue Cobold
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 13.06.2001, 00:00

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von Blue Cobold »

That shaky style is just great and is exactly what I was talking about. I think it works very well.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Blue Cobold hat geschrieben:That shaky style is just great and is exactly what I was talking about. I think it works very well.
Ok, I am working on those sprite then: first I am planning the animation required

A - Stand. idle status
B - Parry. when idle (A) 50% chance to parry, when walking (E) 20% chance to parry. When running (C) no chance to parry (always grounded (G) )
C - Run. most common player status
D - Get hit - when enemy touches her
E - Walk
F - Run hit - pushes back enemy or kill in a single shoot. If she touches enemy before daggers are withdrew == always grounded (G)
G - Grounded - she's hit hard. leap back, knee, arise == lot of time wasted and the ceiling is falling
H - Slashes - as idle status but she's swinging her daggers.

It still miss:
fall - obviously
skip/jump - jump holes if player want to reach the other platform (supposedly to reach a treasure)
squashed under the ceiling - Self-explicatory

Enemies can't kill her... it's all about be quick and not get caught between floor and ceiling. That's the basic idea: from now I'll just do the basic movements A, C, E, "Fall" and "get squashed"... so, if needed, we can always change plan.
I do use rotoscoping on bvh, so if you need a specific sprite first just note me first one to do
bvh download (the list)

bvh viewer

scheichs hat geschrieben:nice artwork!
Thanks :mrgreen:
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Hello everyone, New update for DF!
Finally we can provide a brief in action gampeplay animation.
Don't forget that Dungeon Fall is also on Indiedb and Steam's Greenlight where you can comment and discuss videogame next coming features!
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Hello everyone, it's me again, currently the game designer from Indie VG dev Jackass Penguin and working Dungeon Fall (IndieDB and Greenlight). We where a team made of two: me (graphic and game design) and coder, but, due to busy time I've recently lost the latter which results me alone.
So, I am currently looking for a team partner (coder) who's willing to share the adventure in develop a VG with me. I cannot provide payment but eventually shares profits when the game is doing. So you may be not interested in reading further if you don't have free time to spent in a project mainly aimed for learning and (just hopefully) being remunerative just in case. Thanks for reading so far, anyway.

Brand and what to do
I have no strict bound, everything is negotiable: the team name "Jackass Penguin" (logo, +50 twitter followers and stuff) is completely disposable if we want to found something completely new (I've disposed another one called "Forto"; so there's no problem for me). As you may guess I want to be the game designer but not "the boss". With my ex-coder we pick up Dungeon Fall because it seemed the simpler one to accomplish, but actually I've got several other game desings you maybe interested into. I do constantly redesign the game, so, if things are getting too complicated I can simplify... if everything is going too pleasantly smooth I can propose more complicate/advanced and (hopefully) fun features to add.
For example: Dungeon Fall originally was intended like a simple "run, jump, fall" platformer. Once I was left without a coder I though to a possible addition (a "Quest System" explained here). I can think up more addition or subtract features even during the game development (if needed)

What I do:
I am not a professional artist, but can provide some concepts art and any ingame art based upon my current skill level and I can also provide a background story since I've done some webcomics although I am not a great writer. I'll draw draft on game mechanics and game concept and I shall keep (re)doing during all the phases of the development.

Tools of trade
As said, I am no way a professional artist, but I can provide mostly of art/sprites... as for my skills level you can check what I've done so far for Dungeon Fall. Everything you see on Greenlight page is done by me.
I have no development platform fixed: it can be Unity3D, Blender Game Engine an engine made by you from scratch or whatever do you prefer; as for myself I do use anything OpenSource (Gimp, Blender, Pencil) and completely available to adapt my self to any tool of trade we need to use (I just need to be able to use all my "open" format as sources: png, ora, xcf, blend etc...etc...). The only target is PC or Android tablet/smartphone (best if it can be both) in order to have us chance to actually sell our product on Desura, Google Play and whatever.

Last words:
Please make your questions; even if you're not a coder or you're not yet interested in joining me. Since I can't provide direct payment I know this will be a long search: reply to any doubt//ideas will help me to define better my search and, thus, increase my chance to find someone who's willing to found a new indie dev team.
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 18.04.2013, 21:48

Re: [Projekt] Suche nach Hilfe

Beitrag von alexwbc »

Also, forgot to had a contact address: forto@gmx.ca <---- so long I am still looking for this email address will be the absolutely priority for me to get in contact. Those who may be interested please contact me there!
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on